The workshops will be held face to face and also online. Free Wifi is available with this pocket WiFi, SSID: 501HWa-B13893  Password: 2025445a  in Room A/C.

1.  Face-to-face workshops 対面式ワークショップ:

対面ワークショップは、白石区民センターのA,B,C室で開催されます。区民センターは、1 階に札幌市白石区役所が入っているビルの 5 階です。地下鉄白石駅の6番出口エレベーターでそのままビルの1階に入ります。ソーシャルディスタンス社交辞令により、各部屋の定員は約40%となっています。テーブル・椅子1つにつき1人。その他、温度チェックやマスク着用などのルールがあります。フェイスシールドも20枚ほど用意されています。

The face-to-face workshops will be held in Rooms A, B, and C in the Shiroisihi Kumin Center. The Kumin Center is the fifth floor of the building which includes a Sapporo Shiroishi Ward Office on the first floor. Exit 6 elevator of the Shiroishi Subway station goes directly into the first floor of the building. Social distancing rules mean that each room is filled to about 40% capacity. One person per table/chair. Other rules include temperature checking at the entrance and mask wearing. About 20 face shields are also available. There is a shared computer for presenting which will be cleaned by the room moderator.

Morning rooms 朝の部屋:  Room A (15 persons) and Room B (10 persons)。

Afternoon rooms 午後のお部屋です。:  Room B (10 persons) and Room C (10 persons) Sorry, five persons in the afternoon will have no chair and may have to sit in the lobby to watch streaming. 
B室(10名様)、C室(10名様) 申し訳ありませんが、午後の5名様は椅子がなく、ストリーミング視聴のためにロビーに座ることになるかもしれません。

Snacks and drinks:  Please bring your own drinks and snacks to minimize social contact.
軽食と飲み物について。 社会的接触を最小限に抑えるため、飲み物や軽食をご持参ください。

Lunch:  Participants can get their own lunches from restaurants, fast food and convenience stores from 12-1pm.
昼食のご用意があります。 参加者は12~13時までの間、レストラン、ファーストフード、コンビニエンスストアでお弁当をご用意しています。

Dinner 夕食: The Moodle Workshop will not be having an official Networking Dinner this year, but individuals may wish to privately organize small groups for their dinner following the sessions ending at 5:00pm. Please contact Don Hinkelman at <hinkelman@mac.com> if you are interested.

今年のMoodleワークショップでは、公式のネットワーキング・ディナーを開催しませんが、17:00pmに終了するセッションの後、個人的に少人数のグループでディナーを開催したいとお考えの方は、ご連絡ください。 ご興味のある方は、<hinkelman@mac.com>のDon Hinkelmanまでご連絡ください"

Parking 駐車場について。:  There is plenty of free parking in the adjacent building connected to the Shiroishi Kumin Center. Check Google Maps for the entrance which on a side street. Take a ticket and there is a validation machine on the fifth floor. Free parking is for five hours. If you wish to park for the whole day, you should validate your ticket at lunch, leave the parking lot, and re-enter with a new ticket. Similarly for the evening. Note, the parking lot is not connected directly, so you have to go down to the first floor, walk over to the main building and, go to the fifth floor Kumin Center. 


We cannot put signs up so phone Don at 080-3235-4408 if you get lost. The NRC English Circle is reserving our rooms, so look for that sign on the rooms and refer to that group if you talk with Kumin Center staff. 


2.  Online workshops オンラインワークショップ。:

The workshops will be broadcast by BigBlueButton (BBB) で放送されます。

最終更新日時: 2020年 08月 26日(水曜日) 16:52